Questions to Consider When Hiring a Painter

Exterior Painting

When completing home improvements on your house, a hired contractor can make your project go much more smoothly, or they can turn the project into a big headache – because home improvement is a big investment, it’s crucial to hire the right residential painter for the job. Here are some questions you can ask to ensure that you are hiring the right person.

First, what kinds of references do they have available? An experienced house painter should have a large portfolio of work completed – enough to allow you to get an idea of their quality of work. These portfolios should also include feedback from past clients; whether these references are good or bad will give you a great idea of whether you want to work with this contractor or not.


Second, ask them who they work with? Do they have staff involved and are their staff just as experienced? Do they utilize third-party services and subcontractors for some parts of the job? Extra people involve extra risk, unless the residential painters’ staff and their subcontractors can be vouched for in the greatest confidence. Look up any other contractors they list, just like you did your painter, and run them through the same vetting check as you are your painter.


Third, what is the insurance situation associated with your work? The right insurance protects both your home, in case it incurs any damages during painting. It also protects the contractors’ painting company from liability issues. There is also worker’s comp insurance, which makes sure their staff has what they need should they get injured on the job. Insurance is extremely important to ensure satisfaction and safety for each party involved, so make sure your house painter has invested in the insurance required to give everyone peace of mind.