Can You Paint a House in Cold Weather?

As the end of the year rolls around, many families suddenly remember they have relatives coming to visit in a few weeks or months. The exterior painting they should have scheduled in the spring or summer suddenly seems more urgent. Is it possible to paint in October or November? How late can a professional paint your home exterior?

How Late Is Too Late?

The issue of timing is more related to temperature and weather than scheduling issues. You can still find professional painters working all year long, but they probably aren’t going to be taking care of exterior painting. Many painters shift gears in fall and winter to focus on interiors only.

Low temperatures can cause major problems with the quality of work when painting exteriors. It affects the paint itself and can lead to serious problems that cause exteriors to look bad.

What Does Cold Weather Do To Exterior Paint?

There are several issues that appear with cold temps. First, drying time slows substantially. The longer paint takes to dry, the greater the possibility of dirt, debris and bugs messing up the job.

Additionally, latex paint layers can crack when applied in cold weather. Instead of fitting the contours of siding surfaces, the paint stays thin and brittle, almost freezing on the surface.

Winter weather also brings increased humidity and condensation. When moisture forms during exterior painting, it can cause streaks, blotches and running paint. This is a big headache for the painter and for you as a homeowner, especially because you want your home’s paint to look perfect.

How Cold Is Too Cold?

The minimum temperature for painting depends on whether you choose a latex-based or oil-based exterior paint. Many exterior painting jobs use oil-based paint for extra durability and climate resistance. Most painters aren’t going to go below 50 degrees Fahrenheit when painting. They want paint to cure properly and look beautiful.