What You Need To Know About Painting a House Exterior

Painting the exterior of your house is vital to keeping your home looking happy and healthy. Unfortunately, it is also one of those jobs that many do not like to do if they are not already an excellent exterior painter. There is a lot of work involved in any exterior painting project.

Preparing the Exterior Walls

Just like painting interior walls, you have to prepare properly. This means stripping old caulk and peeling paint. To do this, you need to evaluate each window and seam, then carefully remove old caulking and replace it with fresh. It does no good to paint over old cracked caulking.

Then you need to fix any issues with the siding. The paint will not look or adhere right if you have broken, cracked or problem siding. 

Remove any loose or chipping paint. Your paint will not be smooth or have a good finish if you apply the new paint over damaged old paint. To leave cracking or alligatored paint will only waste the new paint you apply.

Choosing the Right Application Method

Although painting might seem simple, the right application of the paint is important. Different surfaces vary in how they will take paint. If you don’t know what the exterior paneling of your home is, you cannot choose the correct method. 

Some methods are also faster and cleaner than others. It is not just a paintbrush and roller anymore, although you can certainly use them for small touches. There are a variety of paint sprayers available to an exterior painter that make the job infinitely easier.

Choosing the Right Paint

Just like application methods, various paints are suited for various surfaces. Choosing the right paint is essential. If you have a masonry exterior, paint meant for siding will not cover properly. If you have siding, the material it is made out of plays an important role in the paint that works best.

Although doing the job yourself may seem like a good idea, sometimes hiring a professional exterior painter saves you time and money. A good exterior paint job will protect your home for years to come.